Name: Rowbot
Manufacture date: 23rd april, 2876
Home Planet: Glorbax 5 (Two thousand light years from Earth)
Galaxy: Twinplox
Abilities: Rowbot has wheels on the bottom of his feet for fast, clean getaways from enemies. He can shoot lasers from his antenna ears. His feet also have rockets for super speed. Sometimes Rowbot can be quite unprediactable, and has a few other abilities which nobody has yet discovered.
Personality: Rowbot is a fun-loving little creature but can sometimes be
mischevious. He loves driving around the dirt tracks in the mountain area of his home planet, oil smoothies, driving at fast speeds and helping the helpless.
mischevious. He loves driving around the dirt tracks in the mountain area of his home planet, oil smoothies, driving at fast speeds and helping the helpless.
Lifestyle: Rowbot was discarded as a living being as he was constructed by error with no arms. However, this does not stop him from having a great time and making new friends along the way. Rowbot believes he is to scan and search the Galaxy of Twinplox to discover his cause.